Comprehensive sample identification and testing
SortPro sees everything and can sort samples according to any characteristics.
Faster processing with SortPro
SortPro takes 1 second for 1 sample. Is your lab that fast too?
Intelligent data acquisition
SortPro remembers what it sorts and saves an image of each sample.
Optimal process integration
SortPro thinks for itself and is flexible to relieve the laboratory staff as much as possible.
ASP Lab Automation AG

PDC-Summit 2025
PDC SummitThe International Summit & Exhibition on Health Facility Planning, Design & Construction March 9 – 12...

Intelligent ASP SortPro complements TLA
New TLA required more powerful sample input München Klinik has over 10 years of experience with bulk sorters of older design....

Intelligent automation of pneumatic transport of blood samples
Ing. Sumetzberger GmbH and ASP Lab Automation AG, as technology leaders in their segments, have combined their competences and...